Green Flag Day

Monday the 20th of June was a very busy day at Scoil Mhuire. It was a day of celebration as we raised our Green Flag for Travel and had the official opening of our new bicycle shelter. The honour of raising our newest Green Flag went to the students in 6th class as they had been involved in achieving each of our 4 Green Flags during their time in the school. We invited Jimmy Mc Veigh from An Taisce to open our new bike shelter, as he was instrumental in getting the shelter for us and also helped us enormously with our work on the Travel theme. Jimmy was ably assisted by the 4 students in Naoínain Bheaga. It was also the day that we had our school mass to mark the end of another successful year at Scoil Mhuire, after the mass Fr. Pat blessed the new climbing frame which was installed thanks to The Darren Mills Memorial Committee and our Parents Association. As always it was a lovely occasion and we were delighted to welcome many family and community members to help us celebrate.

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