
Aistear is the new early childhood curriculum framework for children from birth to six years in Ireland. Because early childhood marks the beginning of children’s lifelong learning journeys, this framework is called Aistear, the Irish word for journey. A large part of Aistear is learning through play. Ms O Donnell has taken on the task of delivering Aistear to our junior students. Each month will have a different theme which will help teach the children about different life experiences and about how things work and also how people interact with each other. The theme for September was ‘School’, during which the children took on the role of teacher, principal, caretaker and students.


Slán agus Fáilte

In June we bade farewell to Sara & Zach as they moved on to secondary school. We would like to wish them both the very best of luck for the future.


In August we welcomed our 3 newest school members. Our junior infants for 2017 – Rhys, Aaliyah and Shauna took to big school with no problems at all, we hope they will always be as happy here in Scoil Mhuire as they are in this photo!

Back to Summer

To mark the end of another great year at Scoil Mhuire we put on a short musical play for parents and extended school community. The play which told the story of a group of friends while trying to get back to the start of their summer holidays, with the help of a time machine, end up taking a journey through the decades. Everyone had a part to play, with the children in 5th and 6th class taking on the principal roles.