It was all systems go on our return to school after the Christmas holidays as we continued our work on our next Green Flag. The theme of this flag is Biodiversity.
Biodiversity is our life support system. It is the variety of all life forms on Earth, from the tiniest bugs living in the soil to the butterflies in your garden, the plants they feed from and the biggest whales in the sea. Biodiversity includes the diversity of individuals within a species (genetic diversity), diversity of species within the ecosystem or habitat and the diversity of ecosystems or habitats.
Over the last 2 years the children have been learning about the subject through workshops with Aengus Kennedy and Dale Treadwell as well as working with their teachers in class. We also visited Glenveagh National Park to learn about the different plants, trees and animals that are native to our area. We also got involved with the local community by helping with beach clean ups and a Marram grass planting day as part of the Clean Coasts initiative.
The children took part in the The Great Plant Hunt which was a project to help them identify plants, trees and birds in their local area.
On Friday 12th January we had our Biodiversity Action Day. We made some bird feeders by threading breakfast cereal on to wire and twisting them into shapes which we then tied to the fences around our yard. We planted flower bulbs and seeds – some of them are in pots indoors and other we have in ‘bottle planters’ which we attached to the fencing. We look forward to seeing all our beautiful flowers in bloom in the Springtime. We also installed our ‘Bug Hotel’ in the yard.