Hello everyone 🙂 We hope you are all well and that you haven’t been missing school too much since we had to close because of Covid -19 or Corona virus. We are very proud of you all and the way you have responded to this very strange and scary situation that we have found ourselves in. We know that how hard it is to be away from friends and family and that some of you may be very lonely, worried, scared and bored with the way we have had to live over the past couple of months but hopefully we are going in the right direction and things will begin to get easier over the coming weeks.
You have all been working so hard at home and the teachers are all very impressed with the effort you have been putting into your studies. Isn’t it weird to think that in years to come children will be learning about ‘The Year the World Stopped – 2020’ and that you were a part of that – you are a part of history and in maths you should have no problem when it comes to learning about length as we all know how long 2 metres is off by heart!
Keep an eye on the website over the next few weeks as we will have a few updates on the things you have been doing while the school has been closed. In the meantime keep your distance, keep washing your hands and keep yourselves safe.