Slán agus Fáilte

Back in June we said goodbye to our 6th class. We will really miss them from our school but we wish them well as they move on to secondary school and look forward to hearing about their endeavours in the years to come.

We were also very lucky to welcome some new faces to our school – we hope that they enjoy their time with us here at Scoil Mhuire Belcruit.

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

Bhí am lán de spraoi ag ceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhí cheolchoirm againn agus glac gach duine pairt ann, bhain muid uilig an sult as na danta agus na hamhrain. D’imir muid Biongó agus bhí lá iontach againn le Laura ag foghlaim damhsa ar an Sean -Nós. Bhí coimhlint gearr idir na foirne le linn Tráth na gCeist agus roighnaidh muid Gaeilgeoir an Lae gach lá.

“Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.”

Time to catch up…

It’s been a while since we had an update on our website. We have been very busy since our last post, navigating our way out of lockdown and Covid 19 restrictions towards a new sense of normality.

We have said good bye to some old friends and welcomed some new faces to our school.

Everyone has been working really hard and we have had some very deserving winners of Student of the Month awards. Tá an Ghaeilge ag teacht ar aghaidh go hiontach agus tá muid an bhródiul as ar Gaeilgeorí na Míosa.

We’ve had success at cross country running…

and welcomed County Champions – including some past pupils, Elisha & Rhianna.


Our students in 2nd class recently celebrated their First Holy Communion and out 5th and 6th class students received the sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Alan. We would like to say thank you to Fr Pat and everyone else who helped to make these days very special for all the children and their families.